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New Poll: Hubbell Leads in Iowa as Reynolds’ Approval Continues to Fall

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A new poll out from the Des Moines Register shows Democrat Fred Hubbell with a 43-41 lead over Governor Kim Reynolds in Iowa. Since their last poll, Reynolds net favorability rating fell dramatically from +11 to +1, meanwhile Hubbell’s standing has improved as voters have gotten to know him. His net favorability stands at +15 despite months of relentless personal attacks from Reynolds on the airwaves.
Hubbell leads Reynolds by six points among independent voters and by ten points among likely voters this year who did not vote in 2014. Additionally, questions asked about the top issues and lines of attack in the race show Reynolds’ messaging failing. 51% of voters say that her mishandling of privatized Medicaid and budget mismanagement are both big problems, while voters cared much less about the messaging Reynolds has been using against Hubbell.
For the full poll and analysis from the Des Moines Register, please see HERE