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New NBC Report: Kelly Ayotte Made Millions After Losing Senate Reelection Campaign in 2016

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New NBC Report: Kelly Ayotte Made Millions After Losing Senate Reelection Campaign in 2016

A new report from NBC News reveals that former U.S. Senator and candidate for governor Kelly Ayotte “nett[ed] millions on corporate boards” after losing her campaign for reelection in 2016, and is trying to make a return to politics “after a lucrative detour into the corporate board circuit.”

According to the report, “…in the intervening years between leaving the Senate and running for governor, Ayotte spent her time in the private sector and made over $2.1 million in cash fees serving on corporate boards between 2017 and 2023.”

According to NBC, this figure “does not include any stock she was awarded while serving on the corporate boards, which could also total in the millions…” and is “only reported data from public companies,” meaning that number is realistically much higher.

This report was followed by another report from the Granite Post that details Ayotte’s position on a board where she presided over the offshoring of American jobs to China.

Besides making millions on corporate boards, Ayotte also spent her time working to eliminate Granite Staters’ abortion rights by overturning Roe v. Wade. As NBC reports, Ayotte “serv[ed] as an adviser to then-Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch during his Senate confirmation process.”

Ayotte’s role as Gorsuch’s “sherpa” came after she “initially backed Trump but then withdrew her support just weeks before Election Day in 2016.” Despite claiming “I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women” in 2016, Ayotte recently contradicted herself again and gave her full-throated endorsement of Trump in the 2024 race for the presidency.

“After losing her reelection campaign, Kelly Ayotte dedicated her time to helping extremists overturn Roe v. Wade and lining her own pockets,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “This new report confirms what we’ve known all along: Kelly Ayotte is wrong for New Hampshire because she’ll always put herself ahead of working families.”

