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New DGA Video: ‘Not Doing the Job’

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New DGA Video: ‘Not Doing the Job’

DGA video features RGA Chair Susana Martinez’s failed record in New Mexico

To mark New Mexico’s June 7 primary election, the Democratic Governors Association launched a new web video focusing on what Donald Trump reminded the world in May: New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez is “not doing the job.” 

Last month, Trump told a crowd of thousands of Martinez’s constituents, “Your governor has got to do a better job,” while at an Albuquerque campaign event. The new video highlights some of the biggest failures under Susana Martinez as governor, showing multiple places where Martinez “has got to do a better job.” Martinez is the Chair of the Republican Governors Association. 

Watch the video, entitled “Not Doing the Job,” here. 

“Donald Trump got this one right: Susana Martinez is not doing the job,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “While Governor Martinez seeks the national spotlight, her leadership in New Mexico has been a disaster. Governor Martinez will have to answer for her record of making New Mexico 47th in business, 50th in job growth and 49th in quality of education. It’s no wonder that Governor Martinez would prefer to talk about anything but her record in New Mexico.”

Trump’s attacks – while not off base – lacked a little detail, and the video helps provide some context. 

Under Gov. Martinez, New Mexico ranks:
