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NEW AP REPORT: GOP candidate for NC governor blasts public spending as his family nonprofit rakes in taxpayer funds

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NEW AP REPORT: GOP candidate for NC governor blasts public spending as his family nonprofit rakes in taxpayer funds 

Despite attacking government spending as “plantation of welfare and victimhood,” Robinson drew a paycheck from nonprofit “funded entirely by taxpayers.”

A shocking new report from the Associated Press reveals Lt. Governor Mark Robinson’s ties to his family’s nonprofit organization that has received roughly $7 million in government funding, with at least $830,000 of that going to salaries for Robinson and his family.

The report comes after Robinson has continually attacked government safety net programs serving working families as a “plantation of welfare and victimhood,” called for North Carolina’s education budget to be “slashed,” and campaigned against North Carolina’s bipartisan Medicaid expansion, saying, “I hope that it fails.”

“As Mark Robinson threatens to strip away vital services for hardworking North Carolina families, he’s also been directly benefiting from a massive infusion of taxpayer cash to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars,” said DGA National Press Secretary Devon Cruz. “Robinson’s extremism is rivaled only by his hypocrisy, reminding North Carolinians yet again that they simply cannot afford him in the governor’s mansion.”

Read key excerpts below from the AP on how Robinson “blasts public spending as his family nonprofit rakes in taxpayer funds”:

  • Over the past decade, Robinson’s household has relied on income from Balanced Nutrition Inc., a nonprofit founded by his wife, Yolanda Hill, that administered a free lunch program for North Carolina children. The organization, funded entirely by taxpayers, has collected roughly $7 million in government funding since 2017, while paying out at least $830,000 in salaries to Hill, Robinson and other members of their family, tax filings and state documents show.
  • Records also show a $5,600-a-year raise given to the couple’s son in 2023 for his part-time work, while their daughter was paid $83,000 that year. The Robinson’s children, who are both adults, did not respond to requests for comment.
  • Robinson himself appears to have been paid through the nonprofit in 2018, as previously reported by The Daily Haymaker, a conservative North Carolina website. State records show he was slated to earn $42,000, though the organization did not report paying him on their tax filing that year, and he did not report making income from the organization on financial disclosure forms he filed as a candidate for lieutenant governor.

Read the full report here.

