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New Ad Warns Against Cameron’s Plan to Rip Health Care Away from Kentuckians

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New Ad Warns Against Cameron’s Plan to Rip Health Care Away from Kentuckians

“He Won’t Stop Following Bevin.”

Defending Bluegrass Values, a group backed by the Democratic Governors Association, launched a new TV ad titled “Following,” slamming Daniel Cameron for his track record of following in disgraced former Governor Matt Bevin’s footsteps, including his unpopular and dangerous health care plan that would rip coverage away from at least 95,000 Kentuckians.

The ad also knocks Cameron for covering for Matt Bevin’s corrupt pardons that let violent criminals walk free – despite promising Kentuckians he would “look at” the scandal. Cameron also stood behind Bevin after he attacked Kentucky teachers and said he would have defended Bevin’s unconstitutional “Sewer Bill” that dismantled retirements promised to teachers, firefighters, and police officers.

“Not only did Daniel Cameron cover for Matt Bevin’s dangerous pardons that let violent criminals off the hook, he also wants to bring back his plan to strip health care coverage from nearly 100,000 Kentuckians. That harmful plan also threatens rural hospitals, and will cost thousands of jobs across the state,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “Kentuckians rejected those values in 2019, but Daniel Cameron is trying to bring Kentucky back to those days. It’s wrong, and come this November, Kentuckians will reject Cameron and his dangerous policies once and for all.” 

This is the third TV ad from the DGA-backed group this cycle, following “Surrounding” and “Outrage” earlier this year. The group also launched a series of digital ads: “Tick,” “Blind Eye,” and “Why.”The DGA launched to hold Daniel Cameron accountable for his failed track record, including his failure to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Bevin’s pardon scandal.

Watch the ad here and see a full transcript below:

NARRATOR: After former Governor Matt Bevin attacked Kentucky teachers, Daniel Cameron stood behind him.

When Bevin let murders and sexual predators out of prison early, Cameron protected Bevin from a special prosecutor.

Now, Cameron’s bringing back Bevin’s ruthless health care plan, threatening to take away Medicaid coverage from nearly 100,000 Kentuckians, putting rural hospitals at risk.

He won’t stop following Bevin. Cameron can’t lead Kentucky.
