National Analyst Moves Race To “Lean Democratic” After Rauner’s Disastrous Primary Performance
How bad was Governor Bruce Rauner’s primary performance? Well, one national analyst saw enough warning signs in Rauner’s subpar results that it moved the Illinois Governor’s race from “Tilt Democratic” to “Lean Democratic.” Roll Call’s Nathan Gonzales cited Rauner’s “problems with the Republican base” and compared him to former Senator Mark Kirk’s 2016 loss:
“It’s clear that Rauner has problems within the Republican base, a dynamic that no statewide GOP candidate can afford. In 2016, Republican Sen. Mark Kirk ran for re-election but got sideways with grassroots Republicans by opposing Trump and lost to Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth 55-40 percent…”
“We’re changing our rating from Tilt Democratic to Lean Democratic.”
Rauner’s night just keeps getting worse.