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MT GOV: Five Things to Know About Failed, High Tax Governor Greg Gianforte

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MT GOV: Five Things to Know About Failed, High Tax Governor Greg Gianforte

As Montana’s general election kicks off, Gov. Greg Gianforte is entering this cycle with a record full of failures, extremism, and out-of-touch assaults on the Montana way of life.

Gov. Greg Gianforte has spent his first term pushing a toxic agenda that has made Montana less affordable, more extreme, and increasingly unrecognizable to hardworking Montanans.

For those just tuning in, here are five key things to know about the baggage Gov. Greg Gianforte is bringing to his reelection campaign:

  1. Skyrocketing Property Tax Bills: ​​Despite warnings from his own Department of Revenue, Gianforte has overseen the “highest tax increase in state history” — choosing to pass tax cuts for the ultra-wealthyinstead of relief for working families now wondering how they will be able to afford to stay in their homes.
  2. Unconstitutional Abortion Restrictions: Gianforte has repeatedly defied voters across the political spectrum who rejected abortion restrictions at the ballot box, and signed abortion restrictions that were eventually deemed unconstitutional. Montanans have made it clear that they do not support enacting Gianforte’s extreme anti-choice agenda, yet he continues to go all in on attacking reproductive freedom.
  3. Medicaid Expansion Under Threat: With the end of Montana’s Medicaid expansion looming next year, Gianforte has refused to commit to renewing this lifesaving bipartisan program — threatening the future of rural hospitals and jeopardizing health care for more than 100,000 Montanans.
  4. Backlash from Leading Republicans: Gianforte’s failure to address the state’s property tax crisis and his veto blocking bipartisan funding for public lands have prompted scathing criticism from GOP county commissioners, state representatives, and voters alike.
  5. Rising Disapproval Rating: As a result, Gianforte enters the general election with a disapproval rating that has risen more than ten points since last fall, even with his approval rating of 37 percent. Critically, only 24 percent of independent voters say the state is headed in the right direction.

“Throughout his first term as governor, Greg Gianforte has failed Montanans at every turn, either refusing to take action on the issues they care about, or actively dragging the state backwards against voters’ will,” said DGA National Press Secretary Devon Cruz. “Gov. Gianforte has proven that he doesn’t care about protecting the Montana way of life for Montanans, and they cannot afford another four years of his toxic agenda.”

