More Than a Feeling: Rauner Rocks Out While Ducking Trump Budget

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Rauner Silent On President Trump’s Budget And Health Care Overhaul Despite Danger It Poses Illinois

Yesterday President Trump released his draft budget that drastically slashes funding for environmental protections, student loan programs, workforce development, and includes major cuts to Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program. The Sun-Times ticked off a number of Illinois specific programs under threat, including cuts to the Argonne and Fermi Labs and potential funding lapses at O’Hare and Midway airports. Congresswoman Bustos also warned of devastating cuts to Illinois farmers. Already in a budget crush, Illinois stands to lose $24 billion over ten years in federal Medicaid spending.

One would think with so much on the line for Illinois, Governor Rauner would be demanding changes from Washington:

“Apparently overwhelmed with Springfield budget machinations on Tuesday – when state Senate Democrats passed a state income tax hike – Rauner spokeswoman Catherine Kelly told the Sun-Times, ‘We have no comment at this time.’”

Governor Rauner’s silence is unfortunately not new. Earlier this month Crain’s Chicago called out the Governor for his equally perplexing silence on the Congressional Republican health care overhaul, despite the potential impact on millions of Illinois residents suffering from pre-existing conditions or the 600,000 people who gained health coverage under the ACA Medicaid Expansion.

“This is just one instance where Rauner’s lone-wolf MO is a negative for Illinois. Our state has major skin in this debate. Thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake. We’re all for working behind the scenes, but the state’s taxpayers, insurers and health care providers deserve to know what the governor is doing to protect their interests.” 

The Governor did find time for a Boston concert last night. 

“Governor Rauner’s silence while Donald Trump rampages is a clear-cut example of his failed leadership,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Bruce Rauner cannot keep ducking his responsibilities. President Trump’s policies are absolutely devastating to Illinois families. They need Bruce Rauner to stand up for their interests and not Rauner’s politics.”
