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Montana GOP Commits Election Fraud In Desperate Attempt To Bolster Greg Gianforte’s Chances

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Yesterday, reporting revealed that the Montana GOP was behind the effort to qualify the Green Party for Montana’s 2020 elections. Establishment Republicans in Montana are so terrified that their likely nominee, Greg Gianforte, will lose in November that they’ve resorted to election fraud. 
They have good reason for concern. 
Montana political analyst Lee Banville has said that Gianforte’s poll numbers indicate he is a “polarizing figure” in the state, boding ill for his run for governor. A recent University of Montana poll showed that only 37% of the state feels that Gianforte has done a good job in Congress. In fact, Gianforte is significantly less popular than Gov. Steve Bullock and every other member of the Montana federal delegation.
Here are a few reasons the Montana GOP is running scared: 

“The Montana GOP has so little faith in their likely nominee that they spent $100,000 to commit election fraud,” said DGA National Press Secretary Jerusalem Demsas. “Greg Gianforte has voted against working people on health care, on jobs, and on taxes. Montanans won’t vote for an out-of-state multi-millionaire with a history of blocking access to public lands and the Republican establishment knows it.”