McCrory Outraised for 3rd Straight Filing Period

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McCrory Outraised for 3rd Straight Filing Period

Cooper outpaces NC GOV by nearly $400,000 in first period, has $1.4M CoH advantage

For the third filing period in a row, Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper has outraised incumbent Republican Governor Pat McCrory in North Carolina’s gubernatorial race. In campaign finance reports filed last night, Cooper reported $1.1 million raised in the first two months of 2016, compared to $750,000 for the incumbent governor.

McCrory now trails Cooper in cash-on-hand by $1.4 million, heading into the March 15 primary. McCrory also had an exceptionally high burn rate in the first two months of 2016, spending 70 percent of what he took in.

Aware of the disappointing report, McCrory’s team tried to play hide and seek with reporters and refused to give out his report ahead of the filing deadline last night. Cooper continues to raise money at “an aggressive clip” and outraised McCrory by $1.2 million in 2015.

“Pat McCrory’s dismal fundraising quarter is yet another sign of a campaign in crisis,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “With underwater approval ratings, lagging fundraising and the prospect of a Trump candidacy, Pat McCrory is the most vulnerable governor in America in 2016. McCrory is the only incumbent to have been outraised for 3 financial periods in a row, and he’s spent 70 cents of every dollar he’s taken in 2016. That adds up to more trouble for North Carolina’s unpopular governor.”


Jan-Feb 2016 fundraising: Cooper $1.1M; McCrory $751K

July-Dec 2015 fundraising cycle: Cooper $2.9M; McCrory $2.6M

Jan-July 2015 fundraising cycle: Cooper $2.2M; McCrory $1.3M

Total 2015-16 fundraising: Cooper $6.1M; McCrory $4.6M

Current Cash on Hand: Cooper $5.7M; McCrory $4.3M
