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Matt Bevin Insults Teachers, But Stands Silently While West Virginia Gov. Justice Takes Advantage of Kentuckians

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Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin has no problem insulting teachers and working families. But when it comes to standing up to billionaire West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice’s companies who are stiffing coal country…Bevin is silent.
Today, companies tied to West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice have been ordered to pay $35 million in damages for defaulting on a mining contract in Kentucky.
What has Bevin said on this issue? Nothing.
Justice was recently in hot water for refusing to pay his total bill owed to the residents of Pike, Knott, Harlan, and Magoffin Counties. Local governments in those counties could really use the money as they are cutting public services such as hot meals for seniors because of declining tax revenues.
What has Bevin said on this issue? Nada.
Bevin has called teachers thugs, selfish, and compared them to drowning victims. Bevin insulted members of his own party and even his hand-picked lieutenant governor. But Bevin has nothing to say about Jim Justice when he harms Kentucky coal country.
“Bevin has one set of insults for working families but none for Jim Justice as he stiffs Kentucky coal country,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Bevin is too cowardly to call out Jim Justice for failing to pay what he owes Kentucky. Bevin’s silence speaks volumes and it’s why working families can’t trust Matt Bevin.”