Mark Robinson Confirms He Would “Absolutely Sign” An Even Stricter Abortion Ban

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Mark Robinson Confirms He Would “Absolutely Sign” An Even Stricter Abortion Ban

Last Friday, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson sat down for an interview with WSOC-TV, where he expressed his support for signing an even stricter abortion ban if elected governor, saying “we absolutely would, because that’s what we pushed for” when asked directly if he would sign a six-week abortion ban into law.


While Robinson has spent heavily on ads lying to voters about his position on North Carolina’s abortion laws, the threat he poses to reproductive freedom is clear. Robinson has said he wants to “get down to zero” weeks with an even stricter abortion ban, said he’d “love to pass a law” that says “you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason,” and claimed that abortions only happen because women “weren’t responsible enough to keep [their] skirt down.”

Read more about Robinson’s latest comments confirming he lied in his TV ad and still wants to sign into law an even more extreme abortion ban:


  • “‘So let me ask it this way, if you win and you become governor and the legislature passes a six-week ban, would you sign it into law?’ Sáenz asked Robinson. ‘We don’t consider it a six-week ban. We would consider a six-week law, but we absolutely would, because that’s what we pushed for.’”

New York Times:

  • “Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for North Carolina governor, said in an interview on Friday with WSOC-TV that he would sign a six-week abortion ban if elected. He has made inflammatory remarks about women who get abortions but said he supported exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. At a campaign event a few weeks ago, Robinson said that he wanted abortion restrictions ‘down to zero’ weeks.”

CBS 17:

  • “Throughout the governor’s race, Robinson has been accused of seeking further restrictions against abortion in North Carolina, with his campaign stating earlier this year that he supported a six-week abortion ban. A year before he was elected lieutenant governor, Robinson also called abortion ‘killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down’, a clip that has been featured in Stein’s campaign ads.”
