Malloy, Inslee Statement on Governors’ Senate Health Care Testimony

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Today, DGA Chair Gov. Dan Malloy (D-CT) and DGA Vice Chair Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) released the following joint statement on the bipartisan coalition of governors’ testimony before the Senate HELP committee:
“We appreciate the Senate’s decision to hold hearings on health care today and to hear from America’s governors on the state impact of Congressional health care decisions,” said Malloy and Inslee. “Democratic governors stand ready to work with Congress on bipartisan efforts that strengthen health care markets and ensure better care for more Americans. But Democratic governors stand united in opposition to bringing back health care bills that would slash Medicaid and put the burden on state governments.   
“Governors are where the rubber meets the road on health care. We are hopeful that the Senate will listen to their input and work to bring affordability and sustainability to health insurance markets in a bipartisan fashion.”
