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MALLOY: If You Work 40 Hours A Week, You Should Not Be Living In Poverty

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Standing With President Obama, Dem Govs Lead On Raising Wages & Expanding Economic Opportunity

Standing with President Barack Obama at Central Connecticut State University today, Democratic Governors Dan Malloy, Peter Shumlin, Deval Patrick, and Lincoln Chafee announced that in the absence of congressional action, they will all pushing to raise the minimum wage in their states to $10.10 an hour by 2017. When introducing the President, Governor Malloy made clear that Democratic governors believe that “if you work 40 hours a week, you should not be living in poverty,” no matter what Governor Bobby Jindal or his fellow Republican governors think.
Watch the video here.
“Let me say, that as I look around this room I don’t see anyone waving a white flag, Bobby Jindal didn’t make it to Connecticut. We had a conversation, Bobby and I about what’s good for America. I absolutely believe as you do that if you work 40 hours a week you shouldn’t be living in poverty in Connecticut or in any of the 50 states of America. There is a time to lead and there is a time to follow. I will follow this President on the great policies that he has put forth, but New England needs to lead on this issue. We need to make sure that women move out of poverty, that young people move out of poverty, that they can raise their families, that they can aspire on behalf of their children and they deserve a decent wage and we are going to give it to them here in Connecticut. Let’s be very clear, $10.10 adjusted for inflation is what we were paying in 1968 and I got to tell you we all are worth at least as much as we were in 1968. So let’s make it very clear that New England, Connecticut and the states represented here and other states in the nation, we get it. A rising tide should raise all boats, we have to make sure our fellow citizens can raise their children the way they want to raise them. That they have a decent wage, that they make sure they go to great schools, that they’re safe.”