LOUISIANA UPDATE: Edwards Secures Key Endorsement; 2 Top Political Analysts Change Louisiana Ratings

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LOUISIANA UPDATE: Edwards Secures Key Endorsement; 2 Top Political Analysts Change Louisiana Ratings

Cook Political Report, Rothenberg & Gonzales Report Move Race Towards Edwards

Louisiana gubernatorial candidate John Bel Edwards continued to pick up momentum Monday, as he secured a key endorsement from the Louisiana Sheriffs Association — a group that backed Senator David Vitter in 2010.

Also Monday, two major national political analysts moved their rankings of the Louisiana race towards Edwards. The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report/Roll Call moved the race from “Republican Favored” to “Leans Republican,” while the Cook Political Report moved the race from “Likely Republican” to “Toss Up.”  

The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report/Roll CallVitter was regarded as the front-runner to replace presidential candidate/current Gov. Bobby Jindal for much of the cycle, but the senator’s consistently poor performance in the polls and his showing in Saturday’s all-party primary has some Republicans very concerned that Vitter could let the governorship slip into Democratic hands.

“We’re changing the Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report/Roll Call rating from Favored Republican to Leans Republican.”

Cook Political Report: “As Saturday’s election drew closer, it became apparent that Vitter was not in an especially strong position … At the same time, he has some vulnerabilities that seem to carry more weight with voters than we would have anticipated. The resurrection of the 2007 prostitution scandal is chief among them. 

“Edwards consolidated the Democratic vote, finishing first with 40 percent … Going into the run-off, Edwards has some advantages. First, he has momentum.

“This has become a much more competitive race than anyone would have predicted six months ago.  It moves to the Toss Up column.”
