Let’s Take a Trip Down (Crumbling) Memory Lane
Let’s revisit Scott Walker’s short lived presidential campaign and all the Wisconsinites he left behind
On the three year anniversary of Scott Walker’s announcement of his ill-fated presidential campaign, Wisconsin voters are reminded Governor Walker sold them out for his national ambitions, leaving Wisconsin’s deteriorating roads and struggling schools for the jet-setting campaign trail.
Though his presidential campaign only lasted 71 days and ended with so little support in the last national poll he couldn’t even be assigned a number, it’s littered with great examples of how Walker melts under the slightest amount of scrutiny. He changed his mind three times in seven days on birthright citizenship, suggested building a wall on the northern border with Canada, and most laughably, claimed he wasn’t a career politician, despite having been in elected office for more than 20 years.
After losing on the national stage in the most humiliating fashion, Walker has continued to leave Wisconsinites at home in a vain attempt to maintain a national profile. What he has been successful in doing is maintaining a losing streak, backing failed governor candidates in New Jersey and Virginia, and in special elections in Wisconsin.
You wouldn’t be blamed if you lost track of where Walker might be. That’s why the DGA launched WheresScottWalker.com, a website for Wisconsin voters to track their flitting governor.
“Scott Walker spends so much time on a plane crisscrossing the country, he seems to have not noticed Wisconsin’s crumbling roads and failing education system,” says Democratic Governors Association Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “Three years after he embarked on a humiliating presidential campaign, Walker hasn’t learned his lesson. Wisconsin families deserve a governor championing their values–not a governor focused on chasing the next job.”