Larry Hogan Loses Major Employer to New York

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In a major failure for the Hogan Administration, Discovery Communications announced today that it would be packing up and moving from Silver Spring, Maryland to New York. 

This announcement by one of the state’s four Fortune 500 companies is another in a long string of disasters for Governor Larry Hogan who campaigned on attracting major employers, especially Fortune 500 companies, to the state. While this company will be moving to New York (led by Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo), Hogan has also missed numerous recent opportunities to bring major employers like Boeing, Facebook, and Nestle to the state as they chose to locate in neighboring Virginia (led by Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe) instead.

“Yet again, Governor Larry Hogan has failed Maryland’s residents and businesses,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “21st Century employers need a 21st century infrastructure and employees with a 21st century education. By neglecting these important priorities, Governor Hogan is driving away employers to the greener pastures of states with Democratic governors. The people of Maryland deserve a governor who will invest in the state’s economic engine and spur opportunity for its workers. They’ll have the opportunity to elect one later this year.”