LA-GOV DEBATE REVIEWS: David Vitter ‘Uncomfortable’ on Scandals, ‘Storms Out of Studio'

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LA-GOV DEBATE REVIEWS: David Vitter ‘Uncomfortable’ on Scandals, ‘Storms Out of Studio’

Tonight’s debate in Louisiana cut deep for David Vitter — and then he cut-and-ran from the studio to avoid reporters. According to Louisiana political analysts, Vitter “is very uncomfortable” about the scandals swirling around his campaign, which he was unable to escape in tonight’s debate.

Here’s what analysts are saying:

WDSU political analyst Silas Lee:

“What you heard in that exchange is the fact that John Bel Edwards is bringing this emotional topic up that Vitter does not want to discuss because every time that scandal is mentioned it reminds voters of a period in his life that he would like to have erased,

He is very uncomfortable about this and he would like to move the attention away from this as much as possible and keep it away from the attention of voters. The problem is, he is not going to be able to.”

Elizabeth Crisp, Baton Rouge Advocate

The personal/prostitution stuff is just kind of simmering below the surface. Subtle, but very much there.

Kevin Robillard, Politico

.@JohnBelforLA says @DavidVitter Missed votes to “engage in extracurricular activities.”

WWLTV political analyst Clancy Gambit

#LaGovDebate Proof that Vitter lost debate: he stormed out of studio w/out talking to media. JBE stayed, as usual.

[…] Edwards beat him soundly at the end. Vitter needed a KO but didn’t come close.

Elizabeth Crisp, Baton Rouge Advocate

.@JohnBelforLA talking to reporters @DavidVitter is out. #lagov 

Mark Armstrong, WBRZ

Once again Edwards stuck around to answer questions after the debate, Vitter did not. #lagov

Kevin Litten, New Orleans Times-Picayune

.@DavidVitter calls himself “completely accessible.”

 Some of the reporters covering this race would differ on that…#lagov
