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Kobach-ing Away: DGA Launches New Video Highlighting KS Republicans Bailing on GOP Nominee

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Fmr. GOP Governors, Fmr. U.S. Senator, Legislators and Local Elected Officials Back Kelly

Today, the Democratic Governors Association launched a new web video highlighting the dozens of Kansas Republicans shunning Kris Kobach and endorsing Democrat Laura Kelly.

 Republican support for Kelly over Kobach is unprecedented. Former governors Bill Graves’ and Mike Hayden’sendorsements mean that every living ex-governor – save for Sam Brownback – have endorsed Kelly. Dozens more prominent Republicans have endorsed Kelly over Kobach, including former U.S. Senator Nancy Kassebaum. And other Republicans have stayed out of the race altogether, refusing to support Kobach.

“In this era of partisan divides, the one thing that can unite all Kansans is opposing Kris Kobach,” said Democratic Governors Association Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Laura Kelly has received unprecedented bipartisan support for her campaign to build a better future for Kansans and invest in Kansas’ schools.  Republicans and Democrats alike want to end the Brownback tax experiment and reinvest in Kansas’ schools, while Kris Kobach is trying to become Sam Brownback 2.0.”

Watch the DGA’s new video here: