Kitzhaber Says Small Business, 'Economy of Innovation' Will Lead State Out of Recession

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Oregon’s escape from the recession will be led by forward thinking small- and medium-sized businesses, Gov. John Kitzhaber said as he outlined his vision for the state’s recovery.
In a speech to the Salem Rotary Club, Kitzhaber described what he calls an “economy of innovation” that would put people to work weatherizing schools, reaping biomass material and making solar energy materials.
“We have a huge opportunity here,” Kitzhaber said, noting that the state already is starting to attract firms such as SoloPower, which is expected to put hundreds to work making solar panels in Wilsonville.
The new economy, the governor said, will be one that “leads the way in advanced manufacturing” and that “rewards efficiency rather than excess.” It will add jobs in low-carbon, energy efficient and locally based businesses, he said.
During the campaign and after he was elected, Kitzhaber has ranked job creation and economic recovery at the top of his agenda. In his speech, he said success depends on the Legislature passing a number of bills that are moving slowly through the Capitol.
Read more in the Oregonian.