Kelly Ayotte’s Extreme Record Is Catching Up to Her

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Kelly Ayotte’s Extreme Record Is Catching Up to Her 

Yesterday, Republican candidate for governor Kelly Ayotte was hit with one piece of bad news after another that exposed her dangerous and self-serving track record, including standing by an unhinged endorser that has threatened violence against New Hampshire police officers, cashing out on corporate boards, and failing to support New Hampshire survivors of abuse.

From InDepthNH:

  • New Hampshire state Rep. Jon Stone – an early endorser of Ayotte’s campaign for governor – was fired from the Vermont Department of Corrections for allegedly “using racist, sexist, and homophobic insults, intimidating co-workers and making them fear his retaliation, and even getting a gay colleague to quit.”
  • Ayotte continues to stand by him and accept his support: “the campaign team for gubernatorial hopeful Kelly Ayotte also did not respond to a request for comment. After reported on Stone’s Claremont history, Ayotte took heat for campaigning with Stone. She’s yet to comment on the matter.” 

From HuffPost:

  • Ayotte served as chair of the Bloom Energy Corp. Board of Directors’ nominating, governance, and public policy committee. The company was described as a “scandal-plagued ‘green’ energy firm,” for violating environmental regulations, producing misleading financial statements, and exaggerating the sustainability of its technology.
  • According to HuffPost, “contrary to myths about Bloom, our researchindicates that Bloom’s technology is not sustainable, clean, green, or remotely profitable.”
  • Ayotte “earned at least $131,250 and received more than 13,000 company shares” at Bloom.

From Granite Post

  • Ayotte came under fire for her role in the alleged cover-up at the Sununu Youth Development Center during her tenure as Attorney General, with survivors accusing her of “either being aware of the abuse happening at the facility — which included rape and beatings of residents — or grossly negligent in her duties during her time as Attorney General.”
  • While Ayotte has previously denied any knowledge of the abuse, the new report reveals “Ayotte’s office did in fact have exposure to abuse allegations while she was in office,” and that “the results of Ayotte’s office’s investigation found no wrongdoing or abuse had occurred, an outcome challenged by the DRC.”

“Yesterday, New Hampshire voters were reminded of exactly why they rejected Kelly Ayotte in 2016: she’s a dangerous, extreme, and out-of-touch politician who is only interested in winning her next political campaign, not helping Granite Staters,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “While Ayotte courts extremists and lines her pockets, she’s leaving Granite Staters behind. As more of Ayotte’s track record is revealed, it becomes clearer that Granite Staters can’t trust her.”

