“Kelly Ayotte’s Betrayal”: NHGOP Candidates Continue to Turn on Each Other

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“Kelly Ayotte’s Betrayal”: NHGOP Candidates Continue to Turn on Each Other

The infighting in the Republican primary for governor in New Hampshire continues to heat up, with Chuck Morse once again attacking former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte for her track record of supporting a bipartisan immigration bill during her time as a senator.

The attacks come as Ayotte faces mounting scrutiny over her very public reversal on immigration, including a cringeworthy flip-flop on WMUR and a report over the weekend from NHPR, which noted that Ayotte’s new hardline stance on the issue “appears to be an effort to blunt criticism of her record on immigration in the U.S. Senate, which includes a vote for an immigration reform bill … that included a path to citizenship for people who entered the country illegally.”

Morse has continued to ramp up his attacks against Ayotte in recent weeks, including launching a website and social media account on her record on immigration that claims she voted for “the largest amnesty legislation of its time,” and accuses her of “talk[ing] like a conservative but vot[ing] like a liberal.” Morse’s increased attacks against Ayotte have even forced the NHGOP to beg their candidates to stop fighting.

“While Chuck Morse and Kelly Ayotte put on a masterclass of intra-party dysfunction and extremism, New Hampshire voters are looking for a leader who is ready to hit the ground running day one to solve some of the state’s toughest problems,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “No matter who manages to make it out of this messy primary, they’ll have to answer to voters on their toxic record of putting politics ahead of Granite State families.”
