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Kelly Ayotte Brags About Endorsement from Dangerous Conspiracy Theorist

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Kelly Ayotte Brags About Endorsement from Dangerous Conspiracy Theorist 

In a recent – and rare – media appearance, Kelly Ayotte sat down with NHJournal and bragged about being endorsed by well-known conspiracy theorist, state Rep. Ken Weyler, claiming: “He’s endorsed me in this campaign. … And I’ll tell you because I go back that far with Ken…”Rep. Weyler has previously gone viral for spreading dangerous conspiracy theories, including: 

  • Alleging that “the coronavirus vaccine contains a ‘living organism with tentacles.”

  • Claiming that the vaccine “darkens the eyes of newborns.”

  • Claiming that “5G technology had somehow been inserted into the vaccine to control people’s thoughts.”

  • And calling “the pope and others ‘at the top’ of the Roman Catholic Church ‘satanists’ and ‘luciferians’ for backing public health measures.”

Weyler took his unhinged conspiracy theories so far that even outgoing Republican Governor Chris Sununu condemned Weyler and called for him to be stripped of his committee assignments for his dangerous rhetoric. Weyler is just one of the many dangerous extremists Kelly Ayotte has been endorsed by throughout her campaign, including: 

  • State Rep. Jon Stone, who “threatened to kill fellow police officers in a shooting spree, and murder his chief after raping the chief’s wife and children, all while he was already under scrutiny for his inappropriate relationship with a teen girl.”

  • The New England White Network, a white supremacist organization, which specifically cited Ayotte’s anti-immigrant and anti-Massachusetts rhetoric as reason to support her campaign, claiming “White Nationalists in New Hampshire look forward to voting for Kelly Ayotte.”

  • State Rep. Jess Edwards, who went viral for claiming 16-year-olds are “of ripe, fertile age” after voting against raising the marriage age.

“Kelly Ayotte’s embrace of dangerous conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, and violent weirdos proves to Granite Staters that she cares more about winning over the far-right of her party than delivering for New Hampshire families,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “Bragging about Ken Weyler’s endorsement is just more proof Granite Staters can’t trust her, and another reason they will reject her and her extreme agenda in November.”
