Kansas Reflector Column: Schmidt Makes Race “As Little About Kansas As Possible” As He Struggles to Defend His Record

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Heading into today’s debate, a new column in the Kansas Reflector is calling out Derek Schmidt because he “seems to believe that the pathway to the Kansas governor’s office involves making the race this fall as little about Kansas as possible.”

The column continues to note that Schmidt is making desperate “appearances with the governors from distant states like Virginia, Florida and New Jersey” at a time when “pundits shake their heads at the state of his campaign.”

Specifically, Schmidt has floundered to defend his record of siding with Sam Brownback as he made devastating cuts to public schools while arguing the state didn’t need to balance the budget.

In contrast, the column continues that “Former GOP Govs. Mike Hayden and Bill Graves, along with former U.S. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, all weighed in on the governor’s race. They decided to endorse Democratic incumbent Laura Kelly,” who “has a largely positive message centered on economic growth.”

Read the full opinion column here.
