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Jim Justice Wastes Taxpayer Dollars But Expects State Employees To Come Up With Cost-Cutting Measures

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West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice wasted taxpayer dollars and gave away millions of dollars benefiting himself while expecting state employees to find new ways to save the state government money.
This week, the State Employee Suggestion Award Board rewarded two state employees who found ways to save the state money; one found $13,000 and another found $9,000 to save over the course of five years.
These amounts total far less in savings than the damage Justice has done to West Virginia. Justice wasted nearly $200,000 for a consulting contract to fix the state’s worst in the nation roads, yet could not even explain why the state was hiring consultants. Justice even approved a $12.5 million tax break to a company his company owes $3.1 million.
Because Justice refuses to reside in Charleston, he has thrown away $50,000 of taxpayer dollars to jet to his home in Lewisburg. A Republican County official even called Justice’s use of the state plane “an abuse of the public trust.”
“Justice has failed the own standard he set for his employees,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Christina Amestoy. “While hardworking West Virginians are trying to find ways to make government work better for everyone, Jim Justice is busy finding ways to make government work for himself. It’s time for Justice to put West Virginia families ahead of his own self-serving priorities.”