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Jay Ashcroft Opposes “Discounts” and Benefits for Veterans and Members of the Military at GOP Forum

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Jay Ashcroft Opposes “Discounts” and Benefits for Veterans and Members of the Military at GOP Forum 

This weekend, at the Lincoln Days event, a forum for Republican candidates for statewide office, candidate for governor and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft declared his opposition to veterans and members of the military receiving “discounts” and suggested that benefits for those that have served our country should be eliminated. Watch the video HERE.

Despite Ashcroft’s advantages from his statewide office, he was outraised significantly by extremist state Senator Bill Eigel in the last reported fundraising quarter, with Eigel raising more than $329,000 compared to Ashcroft’s just over $106,000 and Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe’s nearly $260,000.

In addition to a messy primary, Eigel’s fundraising signals this race will run to the far-right, as he recently voted against an amendment that would have allowed for exceptions for rape and incest to the state’s current total abortion ban, claiming “a 1-year-old could get an abortion under this.” Ashcroft and Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe also both support the state’s near-total abortion ban that has no exceptions for rape and incest. Ashcroft, as secretary of state, has been leading the charge to mislead voters on a ballot amendment that aims to protect reproductive freedom in the fall.

“Jay Ashcroft is an insider politician who only looks out for himself, but wants to rip away benefits from members of the military and veterans who put their lives on the line to protect our freedom,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “While the GOP candidates for governor take one extreme position after another to prove their right-wing credentials, Missourians want a governor who will fight for them, not against them. Missouri veterans, active service members, and their families deserve better.”

