Jack Ciattarelli Attacks Inclusive Learning, Vows to End LGBTQ+ Curriculum in New Jersey Schools

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Yesterday, Gothamist reported that GOP nominee Jack Ciattarelli wants to eliminate school teaching that centers LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Speaking at a gun range, Ciattarelli falsely claimed that schools are “teaching gender ID and sexual orientation to kindergarteners” and “sodomy in sixth grade.”

“We’re going to roll back the LGBTQ curriculum. It goes too far,” Ciattarelli said.

Ciattarelli’s homophobia follows a series of desperate appeals to Trump’s base and a record of anti-LGBTQ+ positions. As a state legislator, Ciattarelli voted against legalizing same-sex marriage and trans-inclusive birth certificates.

Meanwhile, Gov. Phil Murphy recently signed laws requiring schools to provide instruction on diversity and inclusion and requiring middle and high school curriculum to portray the contributions of LGBTQ+ people, designed to decrease bullying.

“Suicide and bullying rates among LGBTQ+ youth are devastatingly high, and instead of creating a safer environment for children, Jack Ciattarelli wants to eliminate inclusive teaching,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Ciattarelli will say whatever it takes to win far-right votes, and he’s gone too far once again by attacking LGBTQ+ youth. New Jerseyans can’t afford to put up with Ciattarelli’s hateful rhetoric and unpopular social crusades.”
