Ives Spent Months Attacking Rauner’s Failed Leadership, and She’s Still Doing It

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Yesterday, state Representative Jeanne Ives still did not endorse Governor Bruce Rauner, who she previously called a “pathological liar” and whose failed record she spent months highlighting.
Here are just a few examples of what Rauner’s antagonist thinks about the Republican candidate for governor, all said after he won the primary:

  • Ives: “He’s unelectable in 2018. He has destroyed the Republican Party brand. … He’s a lame-duck governor at this point.”
  • Ives: “It’s pretty obvious he can’t tell the truth, even on small things.”
  • Ives: “He owes an apology to Illinois Republican voters.”
  • Ives: “No, it’s actually… Governor Rauner supporting Tim Schneider is basically saying he never actually heard the message that was sent to him on March 20th… So, he’s alienating the base by propping up Schneider again, and Schneider has failed.”
  • Ives Interview on CLTV – Reporter: “If the polls look close come November, and Pritzker could pull it out – will that be enough of a scare for you to look at your supporters and say it is ok to vote Rauner?”
  • Ives: “I cannot predict what the future is going to look like in a few months. So, we just see what is going on.”
  • Ives: “They are trying to pretend like there is a unified party and the truth is that they have dismissed the conservative voters who came out in droves to vote for me in the primary. They essentially want to have what looks like a unified party and not any controversy, but the truth is that we will not, our voices will be heard one way or the other.”
  • WCIA: “Sources close to Ives believe Rauner’s general election loss to billionaire Democrat J.B. Pritzker is inevitable.”
