Indianapolis Business Journal: RGA Attack Ads ‘Pretty Misleading’

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Indianapolis Business Journal: RGA Attack Ads ‘Pretty Misleading’

GOP wasting money in Indiana to protect Pence’s sham no-negative campaigning pledge

In case you missed it, Gov. Mike Pence has pulled down his campaign ads in Indiana and is calling in the Republican Governors Association to do his dirty work. The result? Attack ads that the Indianapolis Business Journal labeled “misleading” on Tuesday.

This morning, Politico reported that Pence “canceled ad buys stretching over the next month on television stations across Indiana, allowing a Republican Governors Association-affiliated super PAC to step in, fill the gap, and launch attack ads that Pence has long pledged not to use himself.”

Not only is the RGA moving in to keep up Pence’s decades-long promise to swear off negative campaigning, they are paying a pretty price to do so:

“Outside groups almost always pay higher rates than campaigns for the same ad slots,” Politico continued.

 Read the full story from Politico here.

Additional reports from today also question the credibility of the RGA attack ads aimed at Democratic opponent John Gregg’s record as Indiana House Speaker: 

“RGA’s attacks on Gregg’s fiscal record are pretty misleading,” reported the Indianapolis Business Journal. “Through much of Gregg’s tenure as speaker, the state’s reserves were massive at 24 percent of state spending.”

 Read the story from the Indianapolis Business Journal here. 

“This ad swap makes it clear: Mike Pence is using the RGA as a smokescreen while Pence breaks his promise on going negative,” said Democratic Governors Association Communication Director Jared Leopold. “This is a lame and cynical move by a desperate, unpopular politician. And, it’s costing the RGA more money to keep up Pence’s sham no-negative campaigning pledge. Today’s ad represents yet another broken promise from Mike Pence.”
