In New Ad, Templeton Slams Politicians Who ‘Self-Deal,’ Forgets to Look in the Mirror

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Templeton Took Cushy No-Bid Contract From DHEC, the Day After She Resigned 

South Carolina Republican Catherine Templeton is not the great ethics reformer she wants you to think she is. In her new ad, Templeton attacks Columbia insiders who use the system to “self-deal” and line their pockets: 
“We will stop allowing legislators to appoint their children to these boards and commissions and then self-deal to the family. It’s enough.”
Just one problem. Templeton is just as guilty of self-dealings as anyone.
The day after she resigned as director of the Department of Health and Environmental Control, Templeton took a cushy no-bid contract with the same agency, and got paid even more than when she was director.
From the Post and Courier report from last year:
The day after Catherine Templeton resigned from her $13,500 a month job as director of the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control in 2015, she got a higher paying one — with the same agency.
Templeton signed a no-bid consulting contract with the state’s main environment and health regulator for $17,300 a month, which was 28 percent more than she earned as director, according to a contract obtained by The Post and Courier.
The Charleston attorney’s firm, Brawley Templeton, was paid $86,500 over five months to advise DHEC on legislative issues and in finding a new director, according to agency invoices. The contract did not require working a set number of hours or proof of meeting any goals.
She also took several other high paying gigs while she was working for the state, including a $12,500 a month consulting contract while she was still working for the DHEC. That’s not exactly the resume of an ethics reforming outsider.
“If Catherine Templeton wants to clean up the self-dealing in Columbia, she should start with herself,” said DGA Deputy Press Secretary Alex Japko. “She used her insider status to land lucrative consulting gigs and profited handsomely on the backs of South Carolina taxpayers. Templeton gamed the system with the best of them, and voters will see through her hypocritical ad.”
