In Health Care Debate, Rauner Puts Political Future Ahead of State’s Wellbeing
Trumpcare Moves Forward as Rauner Does Nothing to Stop It
Today, Republicans in the U.S. Senate voted to move forward on Trumpcare, which will drive up costs on middle-class families while removing needed protections for people with pre-existing conditions. At best, Trumpcare could only blow a $40 billion hole in the state budget, but Rauner decided long ago to sit this one out. With Donald Trump’s approval rating sitting at 36% in the state, Rauner showed that his first priority is to protect his shaky reelection campaign rather than take a side and fight for his state.
The following statement can be attributed to Sam Salustro, DGA Illinois Communications Director:
“Bruce Rauner’s silence on Trumpcare is shameful and confirms that the Governor puts political considerations above the concerns of Illinois families. When Illinois needed their Governor to stand up to his party, Rauner bowed out of the debate. Trumpcare will be disastrous for middle-class families, and Rauner’s self-serving silence on the issue is the same style of failed leadership that made him the most vulnerable incumbent in the United States. Should Trumpcare become law, Bruce Rauner will share in the culpability of the bill’s passage.”