Illinois GOP Unifies Behind Trump-Induced Conspiracies At State Fair “Republican Day” Featuring Hitler-Loving, Vaccine-Hating Congresswoman Mary Miller

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Come one, come all for Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair, where the Illinois Republican Party’s descent into right-wing conspiracy-laden chaos is on full display like a prized pig. This year, Republican Day will feature an appearance from the Illinois GOP’s favorite anti-law enforcement, anti-vax, and pro-Hitler congresswoman, Mary Miller.

Rep. Miller is headed to the fair after spending the summer cozying up to GOP extremists like Majorie Taylor Greene at fundraisers, and spreading lies about COVID vaccines and masks. In response to the CDC’s public health recommendations, Miller recently tweeted “Do vaccines work?” (spoiler alert, they do) and has openly flouted the House’s mask mandate.

Miller’s absurd, dangerous, and extreme comments go back to right after she was elected. Miller condoned and quoted Hitler, saying “Hitler was right” while talking before the January 6th insurrection on the U.S. Capitol (which she also supported).

If supporting domestic terrorists and genocidal dictators wasn’t enough, Miller also refused to support the law enforcement officers who protected her and other members of Congress during the insurrection. Miller was one of just 21 Republicans in the House to vote against the bill to award Congressional Gold Medals to Capitol police officers.

Featuring Miller at the state fair is right on brand for the Illinois GOP, who continue to elevate dangerous conspiracy theories and sprint further and further to the right in order to appease Donald Trump’s extreme base.

“Instead of condemning and expelling these far-right Republicans from their party, the Illinois GOP is embracing them, quite literally placing radical Republicans like Miller and her abhorrent views on a stage,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “The garbage spewed by extremists like Miller is so far removed from what people in Illinois actually care about. In embracing and elevating conspiracy theories, the Illinois Republican Party proves just how blind they are to the actual issues facing working families in Illinois.”