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ICYMI: Wisconsin State Journal Editorial Board Endorses Gov. Tony Evers

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Today, the Wisconsin State Journal editorial board endorsed Gov. Tony Evers for reelection, citing how he’s been a check on GOP power and delivered for Wisconsinites.

“Tony Evers has been a calm and responsible governor during chaotic times,” the editorial board wrote. “While other politicians rely on volume and insults to pit Americans against one another, Evers’ understated yet knowledgeable leadership has been a welcome relief for Wisconsin.”

Gov. Evers has been a sturdy last line of defense against the GOP’s attacks on reproductive rights and democracy. Meanwhile, the column highlights, Tim Michels has shown “just how backward his views can be” by supporting Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban and enabling election conspiracy theories.

The editorial board added: “Evers has come through on some of his biggest promises, including investing in public schools, fixing our roads and expanding rural broadband. He signed more than $2 billion in income tax cuts while avoiding the chronic budget deficits of the past.”

Read the full column below.

Wisconsin State Journal Editorial Board: Our endorsement: Keep Gov. Tony Evers as a check on GOP extremes

Tony Evers has been a calm and responsible governor during chaotic times.

While other politicians rely on volume and insults to pit Americans against one another, Evers’ understated yet knowledgeable leadership has been a welcome relief for Wisconsin.

Evers, a Democrat, has been the only real check on Republican power at the statehouse. That’s because Republican lawmakers have repeatedly gerrymandered voting districts to give themselves an unfair lock on legislative power. They’re unlikely to lose their majorities over the coming decade even if Democrats win a wave election.

Evers has come through on some of his biggest promises, including investing in public schools, fixing our roads and expanding rural broadband. He signed more than $2 billion in income tax cuts while avoiding the chronic budget deficits of the past. Wisconsin now enjoys a financially healthy surplus that’s projected to top $5 billion by next summer.

With so many attack ads this fall claiming candidates of all stripes are “too extreme” for Wisconsin, such a charge against Evers would be laughable. He’s modest, moderate, civil, sensible and relatively consistent. You know what you’re going to get if you reelect Evers — something that can’t be said of his opponent.

The Wisconsin State Journal editorial board endorses Evers for another four-year term in the Nov. 8 election.


Republican nominee Tim Michels is the owner of a large construction business. He calls the Waukesha County lake community of Chenequa his home, though he owns a $17 million estate in Greenwich, Connecticut. Michels has never served in public office and was defeated by a double-digit margin when he ran for U.S. Senate in 2004.

Michels sent his children to private academies in Manhattan and Connecticut while living much of the time on the East Coast during the last decade. He appears detached from many of the struggles Wisconsin’s public schools face, such as hiring enough teachers.

On abortion, Evers is fighting in court and called a special session to try to defeat an 1849 state law banning the procedure in virtually all cases. The Republican-controlled Legislature has so far refused to act.


As recently as last month, Michels offered unqualified support for the 1849 law, showing just how backward his views can be. The ancient law doesn’t even allow exceptions for rape or incest. In recent weeks, Michels has tried to moderate his position, suggesting he’d accept narrow exemptions if the Legislature sent him such a bill. But his changing statements don’t appear genuine.

Gov. Tony Evers has been a moderating influence on the Republican-run Legislature, forcing compromise while encouraging civility and fair play.

On protecting American democracy in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, Evers has admirably defended the nonpartisan administration of elections in Wisconsin and the neutral counting of votes to ensure the will of the people is protected. Evers also has pledged to respect this fall’s results if he loses.


Michels is making no such commitments. Though not wholeheartedly embracing it, he has played along with the bogus conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump. That’s a view that ignores elaborate recounts, independent audits and the findings of dozens of court cases. President Joe Biden won fair and square.

Though he hasn’t made his plans clear, Michels seems to want to let his partisan pals run elections in the future — a skewed proposition that Wisconsin voters should reject.

