ICYMI: “Tuesday was a very bad day for Rick Scott, Richard Corcoran, and Adam Putnam”
Tampa Bay Times Political Editor Adam Smith highlighted the problems President Trump poses to Republican Florida gubernatorial candidates in his latest column. He wrote that Anette Tadeo’s unlikely victory in a former GOP stronghold senate seat “says a great deal about today’s Republican Party under Donald Trump, who clearly dragged down State Rep. Jose Felix Diaz like an anvil.”
Please read the full piece online HERE or see excerpts below
Tampa Bay Times: Tuesday was a very bad day for Rick Scott, Richard Corcoran, and Adam Putnam
Donald Trump warnings in Florida Senate special election.
Annette Taddeo’s flipping a GOP seat to Democratic says a great deal about today’s Republican Party under Donald Trump, who clearly dragged down State Rep. Jose Felix Diaz like an anvil.
…[All] you have to do is look at the Republican gubernatorial prospects Adam Putnam and Richard Corcoran genuflecting before Trump to see how much the president still holds sway in GOP primaries.
…Standing by the president against his many detractors may indeed prove to be the ticket to winning a primary in the Republican Party of 2017 and 2018. But Taddeo’s win is Exhibit A for how those early Trump embraces can play in the general election.
“Trump is the poison candy Republicans will gorge on in primaries and die from in competitive general elections. Write it down,” Republican strategist and Trump loather J.M. Mac Stipanovich tweeted Tuesday.