ICYMI: The Billings Gazette Cites Greg Gianforte’s Violent Assault As Example Of “Dangerous Path” Montana Faces If Anti-American Rhetoric Continues

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Earlier today, the Democratic Governors Association called on Greg Gianforte to disavow the false and anti-American claim by Montana Republican lawmaker Rodney Garcia that the Constitution calls for shooting people with different political opinions. 
Now, The Billings Gazette’s Editorial Board has made it clear that “suggesting violence is acceptable puts us on a dangerous path” specifically citing Gianforte’s infamous assault of a reporter which landed him a conviction in Gallatin County Court. 
“Montanans are united against the dangerous rhetoric which suggests violence is ever acceptable in political spaces,” said DGA National Press Secretary Jerusalem Demsas. “Greg Gianforte’s violent assault of a journalist undermined Montana values in 2017 and continues to draw questions as to whether he has the moral character to serve as governor.”
See below from The Billings Gazette: 
Let us pray.
Seriously and collectively, let us pray that God soon speaks to state Rep. Rodney Garcia, who continues to make national headlines for his bigoted, off-the-wall views which aren’t only un-American, but downright illegal.
Yesterday, we said Garcia, who advocated for socialists to be either executed or jailed, shouldn’t run for election. We weren’t alone; the leadership in the state House of Representatives called for him to step down after it previously asked him to disavow his remarks.
Even Garcia’s own party has condemned his remarks and asked him to step down. His own party has had the clarity and conviction to tell him to step aside now the voters should do the same.
By holding public office as a state lawmaker, his words carry weight and he can influence legislation that could affect every Montanan. Easy as it would be to dismiss him as an ill-informed, cruel bloviator, we must condemn him and urge action because we cannot afford to have people believe it’s acceptable to harm or jail people because of political beliefs.
Suggesting violence is acceptable puts us on a dangerous path, and Montana lawmakers of all parties recognized that. Remember, we’re the state that elected Greg Gianforte, a man who assaulted another; it’s foolish to think that Garcia’s overheated rhetoric couldn’t inspire others to act on it.
Finally, Garcia’s comments have been circulated worldwide. That means that both Billings and Montana are linked with Garcia’s views. That’s why it’s imperative that we send a resounding signal — a firm rejection — of Garcia’s illegal, illogical drivel.