ICYMI: Steve Pearce Skips More Votes Than 99% of Congress

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In case you missed it, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported that Rep. Steve Pearce has been skipping out on doing the job New Mexico taxpayers pay him to do while he campaigns for Governor:
Pearce missing votes since launching campaign for governor
Southern New Mexico did not have a voice one way or the other when it came time for the U.S. House of Representatives to vote on easing pollution limits on some coal plants, limiting regulations on bankers or changing the Americans with Disabilities Act.
U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, a Republican congressman from Hobbs who is campaigning for governor, missed those votes. In fact, data from the nonpartisan project GovTrack shows he has missed more roll call votes in the House than any other member of the state’s congressional delegation so far this year and more than nearly any other member of the chamber.
Pearce has missed 41 votes in 2018 — about 36 percent, according to GovTrack’s data. The New Mexican checked those numbers against the congressional record.
Only four other members of the House have missed that many votes this year, and at least two of them are grappling with medical issues.
The number of votes Pearce has missed spiked as he hits the campaign trail for governor. […]