ICYMI: Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak Slams Trump For “Putting Countless Lives In Danger” With Crowded Indoor Rally In Nevada
“The President appears to have forgotten that this country is still in the middle of a global pandemic.”
Over the weekend, Democratic Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak called out President Trump for holding a dangerous indoor rally in his state with no masks or social distancing requirements. Trump’s last indoor rally in Tulsa was linked to a surge in COVID-19 cases.
Gov. Sisolak slammed Trump for failing to implement a national strategy against COVID-19 and holding a large, potential superspreader event against state law: “To put it bluntly: he didn’t have the guts to make tough choices. He left that to governors and the states. Now he’s decided he doesn’t have to respect our State’s laws. As usual, he doesn’t believe the rules apply to him.”
Other Democratic governors have also criticized Trump for holding campaign events in their states, fearing residents’ safety. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said the upcoming and likely maskless Trump rally in her state is “distressing” and could reverse the state’s progress in flattening the COVID-19 curve. She encouraged the President to embrace masks and science – sadly a long shot considering Trump has ignored public health experts at every turn and attempted to downplay the pandemic.
Meanwhile, spineless Republican governors like New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem welcomed Trump and his crowded rallies to their states with open arms – they had no problem putting politics above the health and safety of their constituents.
Read more about Gov. Sisolak’s remarks on the dangerous Trump rally below:
Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, criticized President Donald Trump for violating the state’s rules on Sunday night by holding an indoor campaign rally attended by thousands of people.
Trump “is knowingly packing thousands into an indoor venue to hold a political rally” the governor wrote in a lengthy Twitter post. He added that Trump has “forgotten that this country is still in the middle of a global pandemic.”
“This is an insult to every Nevadan who has followed the directives, made sacrifices, and put their neighbors before themselves,” Sisolak said. “It’s also a direct threat to all of the recent progress we’ve made and could potentially set us back.”
“As usual, he doesn’t believe the rules apply to him,” Sisolak said of Trump, and accused the president of “reckless and selfish actions.”
Washington Post: ‘Shameful, dangerous and irresponsible’: Nevada governor blasts Trump for indoor rally against state rules
Shortly before President Trump took the stage on Sunday night in Henderson, Nev., for his first indoor rally in months, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak blasted the president for flouting the state’s coronavirus restrictions by packing hundreds of supporters, many without masks, into a building.
The Democratic governor noted that Trump and his campaign were violating Nevada’s ban on gatherings of 50 people or more, tweeting that the president’s rally at Xtreme Manufacturing was “shameful, dangerous and irresponsible.”
“Tonight, President Donald Trump is taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada,” the governor said. “The President appears to have forgotten that this country is still in the middle of a global pandemic.”
The indoor rally, which featured maskless supporters standing shoulder-to-shoulder inside the industrial facility, came as the United States surpassed 190,000 dead from the novel coronavirus. In Nevada, where Trump held multiple events over the weekend, there have been more than 73,500 cases and more than 1,450 deaths related to the virus.
New York Times: Trump Defies Nevada Directive as Thousands Gather for Indoor Rally
Thousands of Trump supporters, the vast majority of them forgoing face masks, packed inside a manufacturing plant on Sunday night in a Las Vegas suburb, where President Trump brashly ignored a state directive limiting indoor gatherings to under 50 people.
There were no signs of any attempts at social distancing inside the venue. Attendees wearing red MAGA caps sat in white folding chairs crammed together on the floor of the Xtreme Manufacturing plant, which said on its website that it had “restricted meetings and gatherings to no more than 10 people in large areas.”
“What do we have?” Mr. Trump said, telling everyone to settle in and get comfortable for the evening. “Football’s boring as hell.”
But the real headline of the evening was the venue, more than the content of the president’s counterfactual stump speech.
“Tonight, President Donald Trump is taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada,” Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, wrote on Twitter. “This is an insult to every Nevadan who has followed the directives, made sacrifices, and put their neighbors before themselves. It’s also a direct threat to all of the recent progress we’ve made, and could potentially set us back.”
Associated Press: In defiance of Nevada governor, Trump holds indoor rally
In open defiance of state regulations and his own administration’s pandemic health guidelines, President Donald Trump on Sunday hosted his first indoor rally since June, telling a packed, nearly mask-less Nevada crowd that the nation was “making the last turn” in defeating the virus.
Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has limited in-person gatherings indoors and outdoors to 50 people since May, a recommendation based on White House reopening guidelines. In a statement released just before the rally began, Sisolak said Trump was “taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada.”
“To put it bluntly: he didn’t have the guts to make tough choices,” Sisolak said of Trump’s handling of the virus. “He left that to governors and the states. Now he’s decided he doesn’t have to respect our State’s laws. As usual, he doesn’t believe the rules apply to him.”
USA Today: Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak says Trump took ‘reckless and selfish actions’ by holding indoor rally
President Donald Trump hosted a crowded indoor political rally Sunday in Nevada, ignoring objections by the governor and others that he might have spread COVID-19 to unknown numbers of people.
“Tonight, President Donald Trump is taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada,” said Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat. “The president appears to have forgotten that this country is still in the middle of a global pandemic.”
HuffPost: Nevada Gov. Condemns Trump’s ‘Reckless And Selfish’ Indoor Campaign Rally
As President Donald Trump pushed ahead with his first indoor campaign rally in months in Henderson, Nevada, on Sunday night, Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) condemned him for selfishly endangering lives and hosting an event deemed high risk by his own government.
Gatherings of more than 50 people have not been permitted in Nevada since May, a guideline based on White House recommendations. Sisolak denounced Trump’s actions in an 11-part Twitter thread.
“Tonight, President Donald Trump is taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada,” he began. “Despite reports from his own White House, despite local officials in Southern & Northern Nevada reiterating to the venues the existing restrictions in State emergency directives, tonight, the President is knowingly packing thousands into an indoor venue to hold a political rally.”
He accused the president of failing to develop a unified national response strategy and ignoring guidelines states have established for themselves.
New York Post: Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak blasts Trump’s ‘reckless and selfish’ indoor rally
Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak blasted President Trump’s “reckless and selfish” decision to host an indoor campaign rally in the state on Sunday night amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Sisolak released a statement bashing Trump just ahead of the president’s 7 p.m. PST event in Henderson, which was expected to draw thousands of supporters — and to violate Nevada’s restrictions on gatherings of 50 people or more.
“President Donald Trump is taking reckless and selfish actions that are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada,” Sisolak said in the statement.
“The President appears to have forgotten that this country is still in the middle of a global pandemic.”