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ICYMI: Laura Kelly Is Showing Her Crossover Appeal. Kris Kobach And Greg Orman? Not So Much

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In case you missed it, the Kansas City Star highlighted Democratic nominee Laura Kelly’s widespread bipartisan support in Kansas’ governor’s race. She has been racking up Republican endorsements, while Kris Kobach struggles to find support.
Read the editorial in the Kansas City Star about Laura Kelly’s crossover appeal below:

Laura Kelly is showing her crossover appeal. Kris Kobach and Greg Orman? Not so much

The parade of names began last month with the news that state Sen. Barbara Bollier, a moderate Republican from Mission Hills, was endorsing Democrat Laura Kelly for governor. 
Then on Sept. 4 came the announcement that former two-term Kansas Gov. Bill Graves, a Republican, was backing Kelly. On Tuesday, it was former Republican Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, whose father was the 1936 GOP nominee for president.
“Laura Kelly studies the issues and is willing to work with others for solutions to real problems,” Kassebaum said. Other Republicans have come to a similar conclusion. A few days ago, Kelly’s campaign announced another 27 prominent Republicans who publicly back her in this intensifying three-way race featuring Kelly, Republican Kris Kobach and independent Greg Orman. …

Read more here.