ICYMI – Inslee on CNN: We Need To Elect Governors That “Will Stand Up to Donald Trump”
In case you missed it, DGA chair Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) appeared on Cuomo Prime Time on Friday night to talk about the importance of electing more Democratic governors this year. With 36 gubernatorial races around the country, Democrats have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make historic gains. And as Inslee noted, governors have been the most effective firewall against the Trump administration’s harmful policies. Inslee was in Iowa this weekend campaigning for Democratic nominee Fred Hubbell.
Watch an excerpt of the segment here:
INSLEE: I’m in Iowa to make sure that we elect officials that will stand up to Donald Trump. And we need to elect Democratic governors to do that. We’re doing that proudly. We beat him on the Muslim ban. We beat him on a number of environmental issues. We intend to create a clean energy economy in the United States, including here in Iowa, by stopping him from destroying the agricultural economy of the state of Iowa. Look, I was in Iowa today looking at the tremendous growth of their clean energy economy, in biofuels, in wind turbines. But this is a president who wants to slow down the growth of clean energy, and I want to elect a candidate here, and across the country, that are going to help our job creation in clean energy, you bet.
We don’t need sycophants for Donald Trump. The incumbent here in Iowa was named as the governor for Trump’s country. That’s not what people are looking for. They’re looking for change. They want some civility. They want a little truth. Is it really too much to ask for your president not lie to you five times a day? I don’t know think that’s asking too much. So you bet I’m standing up for Democratic governors all across the United States.
CUOMO: There’s no question that the voters are always anxious for change. It’s what kind of change they are going to get that winds up determining an election.
INSLEE: They deserve it now.
CUOMO: Governor Jay Inslee, from Washington, thank you coming to us from Iowa. Appreciate you making the case to our audience..
INSLEE: You bet. Thank you.