ICYMI: Hogan Melts Down, Attacks Mueller Investigation, Dismisses Criticism of Trump

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This weekend, Frank Bruni published a rambling and highly revealing interview with Governor Larry Hogan.
During the course of this interview, the Maryland governor attacked the Mueller investigation, said Trump’s Muslim ban “wasn’t impacting our state,” and refused to speak out against Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee. Hogan also complained that the interview wasn’t favorable enough to him and admitted that this year’s elections are shaping up to be “somewhat of a blue wave.”
Read the entire bizarre interview online HERE, or see highlights below:
On the Mueller investigation:Do I think maybe the investigation is going too far afield of its original intent? Yes.
On Trump’s Muslim banIt really wasn’t impacting our state… it didn’t rise to the point where it was something I thought I should weigh in on.
*Of note: A 5 year old Maryland resident was detained at Dulles airport following Trump’s Muslim ban.
On Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court:Governors have absolutely nothing to do with the Supreme Court.
*Of note: Other governors have spoken out forcefully against Kavanaugh’s nomination as it has the potential to drastically harm the residents of their states.
On Bruni’s interview: I was hoping you were coming down to talk about me and, “Aren’t you the future of the Republican Party, and aren’t you the opposite of what’s happening in Washington, and are you going to save the Republican Party?” Instead it’s Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.
On the 2018 election: I think it’s going to be a wake-up call. I think there’s going to be somewhat of a blue wave.
