ICYMI: Herald-Dispatch and Charleston Gazette-Mail Endorse Ben Salango Over Absent Gov. Jim Justice

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“West Virginians deserve a governor who cares enough to do the job with the competence and dedication the job demands.”

With less than a month until the election, Democratc nominee Ben Salango has picked up two major editorial board endorsements over Gov. Jim Justice. Both ed boards agreed Salango’s humble background and work ethic make him a better choice for governor than billionaire Justice, who has been accused of being an absent leader by members of his own party and has used the governorship to enrich his family’s business empire.

Contrary to Justice’s absenteeism, the Gazette-Mail said Salango will “be a full-time governor, putting in the work day in and out to help improve quality of life in the state.” The Herald-Dispatch endorsed Salango for the second time, reiterating their praise for his “combination of energy and accomplishment.”

Read more about Salango’s endorsements below:

Charleston Gazette-Mail: Gazette-Mail endorses Salango for governor

The Charleston Gazette-Mail endorses Ben Salango for governor of West Virginia.

Salango is smart, hardworking and determined to dedicate his time in office to improving West Virginia infrastructure — particularly broadband — exploring and enacting new ways to boost the state’s economy and ensuring West Virginians have the tools to succeed, whether in education and business or fighting addiction.

We believe he’ll be a full-time governor, putting in the work day in and out to help improve quality of life in the state and making it more attractive to potential new businesses and residents. As a Kanawha County Commissioner, Salango spearheaded an effort that established a family leave policy for county employers — a move the state Legislature later tried to emulate.

Salango’s opponent, incumbent Gov. Jim Justice, has approached state leadership as more of a hobby than a duty. Over the past four years, Gov. Justice has been notably absent during crucial moments, like statewide teacher work stoppages, creating a void in leadership. The governor has been out of touch with the issues, while refusing to live in Charleston, in violation of the state constitution.


The governor has refused to divest from his dizzying array of business interests, and gave a massive tax break to a company that was suing one of his companies. Reporting has shown Justice has delayed or declined to pay taxes, legal settlements, fines and fees, showing disdain for his obligations and the legal system. When Salango has been confronted with conflicts of interest, he has divested himself of those conflicts, wanting to avoid even the hint of impropriety.

It’s also worth noting Salango agreed to interviews with Gazette-Mail editors before the primary and the general election. Justice declined both times.

West Virginians deserve a governor who cares enough to do the job with the competence and dedication the job demands. In this election, that’s Ben Salango.

Herald-Dispatch: Editorial: Salango is best choice for governor


Gov. Jim Justice wants voters to return him to office. Normally we would say Justice wants voters to return him to the Governor’s Mansion, but Justice spends little time there, in part because that would interfere with his equally important (to him) job of coaching a high school basketball team.

In his nearly four years in office, Justice has given people precious few reasons to vote for him. He’s up for his every-fourth-year job review, and it’s time for his employers — the voters of West Virginia — to decide whether he’s still the best candidate for the job.

He’s not. That designation, title or whatever you want to call it falls upon Ben Salango, the Democratic Party candidate.

Salango has distinguished himself in life, with his rise from humble beginnings to become an attorney, an entrepreneur and a Kanawha County commissioner. He promises to release the details of the China deal. He says he will create a Bureau of Childhood Advocacy and remove those functions from the Department of Health and Human Resources.

He will divide the Department of Commerce into various regions to promote development ideas with greater local emphasis.

Salango promises his management style will be “180 degrees” from the way Justice is running the Governor’s Office.


“Salango offers the combination of energy and accomplishment that a candidate for governor should have.”

Nothing has happened to change that assessment. The Herald- Dispatch endorses Ben Salango for West Virginia governor.