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ICYMI – Gov. Ige on MSNBC: Hawaii “Felt Compelled to Act” on Trump’s Travel Ban

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ICYMI – Gov. Ige on MSNBC: Hawaii “Felt Compelled to Act” on Trump’s Travel Ban

In case you missed it, Governor David Ige told MSNBC after Hawaii scored a major legal victory against President Trump’s travel ban yesterday that his state “felt compelled to act” because the executive order was a violation of the constitution.  


We believed that discrimination in the executive order is a violation of our constitution and we felt compelled to act,” said Governor Ige to MSNBC’s Ari Melber. “The strength of our democracy is really the system of checks and balances between the executive and the courts system. We believed that the executive order violated the constitution because it discriminated on the basis of national origin and religion and we filed the lawsuit on that behalf. The courts agreed with us.”  


This court victory for Hawaii against President Trump closely follows legal wins from Washington state and Minnesota in February that halted Trump’s first attempt to implement a travel ban. Washington Governor Jay Inslee said Hawaii’s victory shows once again that “the states will lead the way to protect our values and our people.”

