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Govs On Deck – March 30, 2020

Govs on Deck

Good Monday afternoon and welcome to today’s edition of “Govs on Deck.” We’re still here, we’re still daily, and we hope you are all safe and healthy.
Questions or suggestions? Send me a note at You can find us all on Twitter too – @A_Tall_Turner@CEAmestoy@JerusalemDemsas, and @andersonkayjay.
A different sort of week:
Because of the quickly evolving situation, we are changing this newsletter to become a daily roundup of how our states are responding to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Every day this week, we will send an overview of the actions our governors have taken the day before. We want this to be helpful, so let me know what other info/what other formats you’d like to see for these updates.
Dem Govs Get It Done:
NOTE: This is an overview of recent actions, not a comprehensive roundup of everything our incredible governors are doing. Want more examples? Send me an email and I can help you track down answers.
Stay home orders:

  • KANSAS Gov. Laura KELLY issued a stay at home order effective through April 19th. 
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO announced that all NYS On Pause functions will be extended for the next two weeks and directed state nonessential workforce to continue to work from home for an additional two weeks through April 15th.
  • NORTH CAROLINA Gov. Roy COOPER issued a statewide stay at home order through April 29th. 
  • PENNSYLVANIA Gov. Tom WOLF expanded the state’s stay at home order to cover 22 counties. 
  • RHODE ISLAND Gov. Gina RAIMONDO issued a stay-at-home order until April 13th. 

Federal requests:

  • ILLINOIS Gov. JB PRITZKER announced the “Care Comes First” action plan, a series of efforts led by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services to expand medical coverage for residents across the state. The plan includes requested waivers from the federal government to expand Medicaid availability and use. 
  • PENNSYLVANIA Gov. Tom WOLF announced that the state had received approval for the state’s Department of Agriculture to operate a Disaster Household Distribution program, through The Emergency Food Assistance Program, to provide critical food supplies to Pennsylvanians.
  • VIRGINIA Gov. Ralph NORTHAM is asking for federalized testing during the COVID-19 pandemic, joining Maryland and Washington D.C. in the request.

Presidential Major Disaster Declaration:

Public gatherings: 

  • RHODE ISLAND’s ban on gatherings of more than ten people is extended to April 13th.  

Business operations:

  • COLORADO’s Division of Insurance issued an order removing some restrictions on auto insurance for drivers for restaurant delivery. 
  • RHODE ISLAND Gov. Gina RAIMONDO extended the ban on dine-in service at restaurants to April 13th.


  • MICHIGAN Gov. Gretchen WHITMER signed an executive order expanding absentee voting across the state for the state’s May 5th elections.  
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO signed an executive order to move the presidential primary election from April 28 to June 23, aligning it with the congressional and legislative primaries in New York.


  • NEW MEXICO Gov. Michelle LUJAN GRISHAM extended the closure of all public schools through the end of the academic year.  
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO announced that schools will remain closed through April 15th. 

Health care:

  • MAINE’s Bureau of Insurance has issued an order saying that if an employer lays off or furloughs a worker and wants to continue offering employer-sponsored group health insurance coverage to the worker, the company’s health insurance provider can’t deny coverage.
  • NEW JERSEY Gov. Phil MURPHY signed an executive order mandating that all health care facilities report daily data concerning their capacity and supplies to the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management.
  • NEW JERSEY Gov. Phil MURPHY announced two new initiatives that will assist health care organizations with expenses including a $140 million pre-payment to health care providers to support preparations and a $6 million emergency loan program to assist New Jersey’s health care organizations during this time.
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO announced that pharmacies have agreed to offer free home delivery to help reduce long lines at their facilities.
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO announced  that the first 1,000-bed temporary hospital is now complete at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. 
  • RHODE ISLAND will be suspending all terminations and quarterly income verifications.
  • WISCONSIN Gov. Tony EVERS issued an order to simplify healthcare license renewals during the COVID-19 public health emergency and to encourage recently retired professionals with expired licenses to re-enter practice.

Child care / child support:

  • CONNECTICUT Gov. Ned LAMONT signed an executive order waiving the fees required for remote early intervention services such as the Birth-to-Three program.
  • CONNECTICUT’s Office of Early Childhood announced that support for child care services funded by the agency will continue. The agency is also releasing up to $4.5 million in Public Health Emergency Response Grant Funds to incentivize and support public and private programs that re-open or remain open to provide child care for children of health workers and first responders. 
  • ILLINOIS Gov. JB PRITZKER announced that child care providers licensed to currently operate will receive stipends to help cover increased costs. 
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO signed an executive order allowing schools to host day care free of charge. 
  • RHODE ISLAND is suspending all child care licenses until April 4th.

Worker support:

  • ILLINOIS Gov. JB PRIZTKER announced that the state Department of Human Services is increasing monthly SNAP benefit amounts, expanding SNAP access, and expediting process and flexibility. For many people, this will mean almost doubling their existing benefits. 
  • MICHIGAN Gov. Gretchen WHITMER extended state and city income tax filing deadlines to July 15th.  
  • MICHIGAN Gov. Gretchen WHITMER, under the federal CARES Act, signed an agreement between Michigan and the U.S. Dept. of Labor to implement Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Compensation programs that grant benefits to workers who do not already qualify for state unemployment benefits. The agreement also increases weekly benefits for all unemployed workers by $600 a week for up to four months and extends benefit payments from 26 to 39 weeks. 
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO announced that for a 90 day period, consumers experiencing financial hardship may defer paying life insurance premiums without late fees. For a 60 day period, consumers and small businesses may defer paying premiums for property and casualty insurance, including auto, homeowners, renters, workers comp, medical malpractice, livery and taxi.
  • NEW YORK Gov. Andrew CUOMO signed an executive order extending the deadline for personal and corporate taxes to July 15th. 
  • NORTH CAROLINA Gov. Roy COOPER announced the first COVID-19 unemployment benefits will be paid this week. 
  • RHODE ISLAND announced that approximately half of all SNAP recipients will receive additional funds and that the recertification deadline for families who receive SNAP or cash assistance will be delayed. 

Response funds / volunteer efforts:

  • COLORADO Gov. Jared POLIS announced that Help Colorado Now, a relief fund set up last week to support Coloradans, is now accepting grant applications. The fund has raised $7.7 million dollars from nearly 4,000 individuals, foundations and companies since the fund launched. More than 9,000 volunteers including 2,000 health care volunteers have signed up to date. 
  • MICHIGAN Gov. Gretchen WHITMER announced a new volunteer website where trained medical professionals can register to serve by assisting hospitals. Other state residents also can use the site to find out how they can help in their local communities, give blood, donate money or needed medical supplies, or assist public health officials in tracking infections.

Response funding:

  • MINNESOTA Gov. Tim WALZ signed a bill to allocate $330 million in COVID-19 aid in Minnesota, bringing the state’s total response to more than $550 million to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. 

PSA campaigns:

  • CALIFORNIA Gov. Gavin NEWSOM announced leading social media companies, businesses, leaders, and individuals from across the state have leapt into action to partner and support the COVID-19 public awareness campaign.
  • CONNECTICUT Gov. Ned LAMONT released a PSA video asking health care professionals – including students and those who are retired – to consider helping Connecticut’s medical facilities in the COVID-19 effort by volunteering their services. 
  • OREGON Gov. Kate BROWN announced the launch of a statewide PSA campaign urging people to stay at home. 

Inter-state travel restrictions:

  • DELAWARE Gov. John CARNEY issued an executive order directing all out-of-state travelers into Delaware to immediately self-quarantine for 14 days.
  • KENTUCKY Gov. Andy BESHEAR asked Kentuckians to avoid unnecessary travel to Tennessee, which has failed to enact strict social distancing guidelines. 
  • NEW MEXICO Gov. Michelle LUJAN GRISHAM signed an executive order requiring air travelers to New Mexico to self-isolate for at least 14 days.
  • RHODE ISLAND will require all out-of-state drivers to pull over at information stations on the southern border with Connecticut to be informed that they’re required to quarantine for 14 days. National Guard members will ask drivers to provide their contact information to be passed on to the Department of Health.

Renter/ homeowner support:

  • CALIFORNIA Gov. Gavin NEWSOM signed an executive order banning the enforcement of eviction orders for renters affected by COVID-19 through May 31, 2020. 
  • MICHIGAN Gov. Gretchen WHITMER signed an executive order mandating the reconnection of service to residences that have had water service shut off. The order also establishes a $2-million Water Restart Grant Program will help communities comply with the order.
  • NEVADA Gov. Steve SISOLAK signed an emergency directive putting a moratorium on all evictions across the state.
  • NEW JERSEY Gov. Phil MURPHY announced that financial institutions will provide mortgage forbearance and financial protections similar to what California secured. The efforts include a 90-day grace period for mortgage payments, no negative credit impacts resulting from relief, a moratorium on initiating foreclosure sales or evictions, and relief from fees and charges. 
  • WISCONSIN Gov. Tony EVERS suspended evictions and foreclosures across the state. 

Other efforts:

  • CALIFORNIA Gov. Gavin NEWSOM signed an executive order empowering the Judicial Council and the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court to take necessary action to be able to conduct business and continue to operate. 
  • COLORADO’s Division of Insurance issued orders directing insurance providers to offer more flexibility on employer-provided insurance and property and casualty insurance.
  • CONNECTICUT Gov. Ned LAMONT signed an executive order giving state officials authority to ensure safe housing for certain first responder and healthcare workers who need alternative housing, provide for physical distancing in safe and adequate settings for people experiencing homelessness. 
  • ILLINOIS Gov. JB PRITZKER signed an executive order extending the timeline for cannabis infuser, craft grower, and transporter license applications.
  • ILLINOIS Department of Human Services announced increased funding to support initiatives supporting people experiencing homelessness. 
  • MAINE Gov. Janet MILLS directed the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to allow boaters to operate without a current 2020 registration and milfoil sticker until April 30, 2020.
  • MICHIGAN National Guard members will staff food banks in four communities across the state. 
  • MICHIGAN Gov. Gretchen WHITMER signed executive orders restricting  discretionary spending by state departments and agencies and temporarily suspending hiring, creating new positions, filling vacant positions, transfers, and promotions within the executive branch of state government.  
  • MICHIGAN Gov. Gretchen WHITMER signed an executive order detailing risk-reduction protocols that have been adopted and implemented by the Michigan Department of Corrections and that county jails and local lockups are strongly encouraged to adopt.
  • MINNESOTA Gov. Tim WALZ signed an executive order lifting restrictions on hours and weight restrictions for commercial vehicle drivers hauling livestock. 

Stay safe everyone and wash your hands!