Governing: ‘Number of Competitive Races is Growing’ for Dems

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50 Percent Increase in Vulnerable GOP Gov Seats Since January

Governing magazine is out with their new race ratings in the gubernatorial 2018 cycle and Democrats are going on offense around the country. The dysfunction of the Republican party, combined with the chaotic Trump presidency, has made the GOP gubernatorial candidates far more vulnerable:

But the best news for Democrats is that the number of competitive races is growing, at least compared to the last time we handicapped them in January. Back then, we rated 10 of the 36 seats up for grabs in 2018 as vulnerable for the incumbent party. Of those, six are held by Republicans and four by Democrats. By contrast, we now find that 17 seats are vulnerable for the party in power — 12 held by the GOP and five by the Democrats. That’s a nearly 50 percent increase in vulnerable seats.

And an expanded map couldn’t come at a more crucial time for Democrats. With redistricting looming in 2021, the governors elected in 2018 can use their veto power to fight back against Republican gerrymandering:

The gubernatorial battleground in 2018 will be especially important because it offers Democrats the biggest potential haul of governorships in advance of the once-every-decade legislative and congressional redistricting process that will begin after the 2020 Census. In most states, governors play a role in redistricting, and with the Republicans currently controlling the majority of legislatures, Democrats will need a seat at the table to avoid being drawn out of most of the maps.

Read the entire article HERE.