Gov. Tim Walz Sees NH as “Top Pick-Up Opportunity” for Democrats, Goes After Kelly Ayotte Anti- Abortion and IVF Record

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Gov. Tim Walz Sees NH as “Top Pick-Up Opportunity” for Democrats, Goes After Kelly Ayotte Anti- Abortion and IVF Record

Over the weekend, DGA Chair and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz visited New Hampshire and sat down with WMUR for a conversation about the importance of electing Democratic governors across the country, calling New Hampshire a “top pick-up opportunity.”


Gov. Walz also went after Republicans for their plans to further restrict Granite Staters’ access to abortion and records of attacking IVF, including former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, whose attempts to rewrite her dangerous track record have failed.

In a recent WMUR interview, Ayotte tried to cover up her anti-choice extremism, claiming she will “fully support and will protect a woman’s right to freedom to obtain an abortion up to six months of pregnancy,” and that she supports the state’s current law.

However, that is the exact opposite of what she’s done throughout her career. In the Senate, Ayotte led the charge for a national abortion ban, voted repeatedly to defund Planned Parenthood, and voted against IVF protections. She proudly served as the “sherpa” for then-Supreme Court nominee and anti-choice extremist Neil Gorsuch, helping to pave the way for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. 

Read more coverage on Gov. Walz’s visit to New Hampshire below: 

  • National Journal:
  • Granite Post:
  •  “Walz pointedly criticized former US Senator Kelly Ayotte, accusing her of voting to restrict IVF access and aiding in the confirmation of Supreme Court justices who have since played roles in rolling back reproductive rights. ‘Here are the facts: Kelly Ayotte had a chance to protect IVF in the US Senate. Instead, she voted to restrict access to IVF… So let’s be real clear about something: If the Republicans in your state legislature get the chance, they’re going to ban IVF here in New Hampshire. And if Kelly Ayotte gets the chance, she’ll help them every step of the way.’”

