Gov. Janet Mills Announces Plan to Expand Access to Pre-K

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Gov. Janet Mills is providing Maine families with increased access to pre-K programs with a two-part investment totaling $10 million. The first grant of $2.7 million will go to 14 school administrative units to expand or create pre-K programs. The second round of $6.3 million grants will be awarded later this year. In total, the funding will increase pre-K availability and accessibility for more than 500 children across Maine.

The initiative is a part of Gov. Mills’ Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan to invest nearly $1 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funding in order to provide immediate economic recovery from the pandemic, secure long-term economic growth, and revitalize infrastructure in Maine.

Already, Gov. Mills has used funding in the Maine Jobs and Recovery plan to create a new small business grant program, to help small businesses and employees afford health insurance premiums, to shore up Maine’s unemployment trust fund, and to cut energy costs for Maine families.

“Gov. Mills is charting the course for a strong economic rebound for Maine that benefits families and businesses,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Because of her actions, Maine families will see increased access to pre-K, lower energy costs in their homes, and direct support for their businesses. Gov. Mills’ comprehensive approach to the state’s economic recovery is just another example of how she continues to deliver for Maine.”