Gov. Brown's Tax Policies Dramatically Reduce Teacher Layoffs

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SACRAMENTO, CA (AP) – California teachers are seeing a steep drop in pink slips, thanks to the strengthening economy and new revenue from voter-approved taxes.
The California Teachers Association says 2,900 educators received preliminary layoff notices just before Friday’s statewide deadline for districts to warn teachers they might lose their jobs. That’s just a fraction of the 22,000 educators who got pink slips at the same time last year.
The Sacramento Bee says the CTA represents 95 percent of California’s K-12 teachers and other educators.
The California Department of Education says since 2008, the state’s teacher workforce has declined by 8.5 percent to about 284,000 educators today.
After voters approved two statewide tax hikes in November, Gov. Jerry Brown in January proposed a state budget that boosts K-12 funding by 4 percent next school year.
The Associated Press