GOP Unity Watch – Day 1: Warren Snubs McMaster

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Citing Record of Corruption and Failure, Warren Won’t Endorse McMaster

If Henry McMaster thought the battle within his own party ended last night, he was sadly mistaken.
McMaster barely squeaked out a win over political novice John Warren, and there was no sign of party unity in his concession speech last night:
From the Greenville News:

For weeks, Republican challenger John Warren cast Gov. Henry McMaster as a career politician tied to corruption in South Carolina government — and in defeat, the Greenville businessman gave no indication that he would support the incumbent governor in November.

Even in defeat, Warren slammed McMaster for his failures on education, crumbling roads, and the nuclear reactor scandal that cost taxpayers billions. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Warren joins McMaster’s other former opponents, Catherine Templeton and Lt. Gov. Kevin Bryant in refusing to endorse the sitting governor of their own party.
If there’s one thing to take away from his narrow victory, it’s that many Republicans – like the rest of South Carolinians – are fed up with McMaster and the culture of corruption he represents.
“The primary may be over, but Henry McMaster’s record of corruption is still tearing the Republican Party apart,” said DGA spokesman Alex Japko. “People on all sides of the political spectrum know he is the wrong choice to shake things up in Columbia. Republican infighting will continue to rage on, and McMaster only has himself and his failures to blame.”
