GOP Governors Ignore White House Recommendations to Curb Spread of COVID-19

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GOP governors are ignoring recommendations from the White House to curb the spread of COVID-19 – even as cases continue to rise across the country.

According to White House coronavirus task force reports, states in the “red zone” should have enacted mask orders, but 14 GOP governors ignored the White House’s guidelines and refused to prioritize the health and safety of their constituents. GOP governors in at least three of those states, Nebraska, Iowa, and Georgia, actively fought back against local mask mandates.

In Iowa, the state with the highest case rate this week, Gov. Kim Reynolds has no apparent plans to implement a mask mandate and is forcing schools to remain at least 50% open, against the recommendations of the CDC, local health officials, and school districts in the state. Reynolds is also recklessly permitting potential superspreader events. While the White House recommends areas in the “red zone” keep gatherings to a mere ten people, Reynolds is planning to allow Iowa State University to welcome an estimated 25,000 fans to its season opener football game.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson still won’t require masks in his state, and refuses to wear one himself, even in the presence of senior citizens. Another GOP holdout on masks, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, has ignored pleas from mayors of both parties. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is also ignoring a growing list of state legislators and local electeds who are calling on him to implement a mask mandate.

While GOP governors continue to ignore common sense, science, and now the White House, all states with Democratic governors have had mask mandates in place for at least a month. Experts predict widespread mask use could save tens of thousand of lives.

“Public health officials agree not requiring masks is bad for public health – and now it’s bad politics too,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “At this point, there is no good reason for Republican governors to still be dragging their feet on statewide mask mandates.”