GOP Civil War Holiday Edition: State Senator Amanda Chase Celebrates By Hinting the VA GOP Plans to Cheat Her Out Of Gubernatorial Nomination

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Like many Americans, we tried to take a break this holiday season. But Amanda Chase’s absolutely bonkers behavior never takes a holiday – she spent the season spreading misinformation about the COVID vaccine on Facebook, dealing with the fallout of a member of her security team’s arrest for domestic violence, reiterating her calls for the president to declare martial law [20:50], and stoking the flames of the GOP civil war.

During a radio interview over the holidays, Chase hinted that she plans to follow in her idol Donald Trump’s footsteps and accuse the Virginia GOP of cheating if she doesn’t win the Republican nomination for governor, saying, “I will tell you this: if there’s no cheating involved, I do believe that I would win a convention.” [15:40]

Chase has long been salty over the VA GOP’s decision to hold a convention rather than a primary, which Chase views as an attempt to block her from winning the nomination. With her recent comments accusing the state party of cheating only adding fuel to the fire, Chase has basically guaranteed GOP infighting leading up to the convention, at the convention, and likely for months after.

Even if Chase loses the nomination (which, of course, will only happen if the Virginia GOP cheats), she still holds a ton of influence – if Kirk Cox is the nominee, he’ll likely have to run far to the right of most Virginians to win over Chase’s loyal band of Trumpian supporters.

“If Amanda Chase loses the GOP convention, she just admitted that she’ll take a cue from the Trump playbook and accuse the convention of being rigged,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Christina Amestoy. “As long as Chase is around, she will never admit defeat, and the GOP civil war will rage on for years to come. Happy new year to Kirk Cox and the Virginia GOP.”